johnnn law AGAIN!!!


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
thats right.. first snow fall so i was playin with the wheeler for all of 10 min.. just in the parking lot in front of my house and the yard next to it... right as im puttin the wheeler away a cop rolls up.. i start laughin and said what ya here for this time?

he said we had a complain about you riding.. i said oh yeah??? he goes yeah, but there is nothing we can do because your on provate property B)B)B)

he said, i figured id swing by and let ya know we had a complant, i said ah.. ok well like ya said its on private property and not after 10, he goes yup, so have a good night and be safe,

hahahahaha!! i got it narrowed down to 2 houses on the street behind my parking lot,.. fk em!!! they cant do sh*t lol
yep thats whats good about knowing almost all the cops around here. lol but go figure fed just ur luck gettin the oscars called on ya again
Go to a hunting supply store and get a bottle of skunk piss.Yes they sell it. and dump it on there front door step.or between the hood and windshield.Thats where the fresh air comes into the car.;)
Go to a hunting supply store and get a bottle of skunk piss.Yes they sell it. and dump it on there front door step.or between the hood and windshield.Thats where the fresh air comes into the car.;)

/\/\/\/\/\ i did this one time years ago, with a dude down the street that was givin me troubles about my rottweilers, filled a syringe with the skunk piss, walked down the street late nite, "pushed the needle in" hahahaaaaa
into the weather stripping around the door of his brand new mustang, hit it with a full shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
saw it going up the street on a flat bed a few days later, never to return, musta not been covered by insurance, cause he never did get another one, he'd pass by in his old ass beat up pick up, and i'd be grinnin from ear to ear, got a few more on my list now, may have to ressurect this good 'ol revenge
thats right.. first snow fall so i was playin with the wheeler for all of 10 min.. just in the parking lot in front of my house and the yard next to it... right as im puttin the wheeler away a cop rolls up.. i start laughin and said what ya here for this time?

he said we had a complain about you riding.. i said oh yeah??? he goes yeah, but there is nothing we can do because your on provate property B)B)B)

he said, i figured id swing by and let ya know we had a complant, i said ah.. ok well like ya said its on private property and not after 10, he goes yup, so have a good night and be safe,

hahahahaha!! i got it narrowed down to 2 houses on the street behind my parking lot,.. fk em!!! they cant do sh*t lol

they always do the same thing to me but the cops cant do sh*t so one of my neighbors stole my kickstart witch suck now i cant ride in the snowX(
are u serious????? thats some facked up sh*t right there.

yeahh my bolt that holds it on viberated out so i had to put it in my pocket everytime i started it and they must off seen me do it then went into my gargage and took it cuz it was sitting on the seat. im pissed i have like 30 hours into polishing it and i cant even ride it
yeahh my bolt that holds it on viberated out so i had to put it in my pocket everytime i started it and they must off seen me do it then went into my gargage and took it cuz it was sitting on the seat. im pissed i have like 30 hours into polishing it and i cant even ride it

if i actually had a neighbor and they did that they would paaaay. im talking 2am high rev runs past thier house, or making as much noise as possible in my own yard so they cant call the cops.
if i actually had a neighbor and they did that they would paaaay. im talking 2am high rev runs past thier house, or making as much noise as possible in my own yard so they cant call the cops.

in my town they can if its after 9 but i still went out side a did i couple basstesters really late a couple of dayslater. they went too happy about that iwouldove revved my blaster up if i could of started it lol i f*cking hate my town all it is is ppl that have nothing better to do than call the cops and crackheads