Also I would suggest only changing one thing at a time.
^^^^^^ Great advice! I:I
Also I would suggest only changing one thing at a time.
Ok so this is where I am at now. I changed the main jet to the 152 and it was hard to tell but I think it got worse. Everyone has been say that I am running rich but I dont think so and this is why. When the bike runs rich it 4 strokes and in my case it does not feel like that at all and why does it not give me the problem in the low gears?
It really feels like the bowl is running dry because its like there is suddenly just no fuel. Someone told me that I might have the wrong needle any thoughts on that? I am going to change my float hight like Slick says did not really want to do that because its a brand new carb and should be right from CPW? I am scared I was measuring from the wrong place hope I dont make it worse.
Blaner I want to do the leak test but dont have the gear for that and was told that if the motor was leaking it would show signs like the revs would hang but the bike real runs nice, just on WOT in 5th and 6th is where the problem is.
Blaner I want to do the leak test but dont have the gear for that and was told that if the motor was leaking it would show signs like the revs would hang but the bike real runs nice, just on WOT in 5th and 6th is where the problem is.
Thanks for the help guys! Going to set the float hight tomorrow and put the 160 back. Then Monday I am going to see about making a leak down tester.
Thanks for the help guys but I have sorted the problem out. It was my float level, it was out by -+5mm. I set that right and the bike had no more problems in 5th and 6th on WOT. It almost felt like it was pulling better in the other gears to.
I did the plug chop with 160 main and 48 pilot in and attached a photo of the plug. What do you guys think of the colour?
Still what to do the leak test to make 100% sure everything is cool.
you set it to 19mm from sealing surface to top/bottom edge of float? what was the initial measurement?
glad you making progress!
Ok I have attached two photos of the chopped plug. One with the flash and one in sunlight. This is for the main jet still have to do the needle.
From what I have read on
Plug reading....
This is on the rich side? How I understand it, the ring should be brown. Before I try a smaller jet should I do the run again and hold it for longer then 10s @ WOT in 6th with the 160 main? My next size down is a 152.