Its been a good one.


New Member
Feb 14, 2010
Well. i finally sold the blasty today. It was definitely sad to see it go but, im glad it will make a good christmas present for the 11 year old kid its going to, should be a happy kid! Heck i might even see it on one of my riding trips up to treverton as the guy who bought it said thats where he rides. Its been a good one, and id like to thank everyone on this forum for all of the things that i have learned and all of the knowledge that is shared!
Wow sold a Blaster to a 11 year old , Hope he Is Experienced !

When i went and test rode the one i have, it scared the sh*t out of me, but now im looking for ways to make it faster. and im sure the kid will too.

I know the guy wasnt very happy with me, i put some small ruts in his yard turning around.

Hope the kid is excited and you get to see your blaster again!