Many of us, if not ALL of us have either used or know someone that has used ITP tires with great satisfaction. From their well known hole shots, to their revolutionary 6 ply ultra light mudlites ( which are my personal favorite for my blaster ) ITP offers a wide variety of quality tires for many different applications as well as price range/budget. I was so pleased with my ITP mudlites that I decided to purchase another pair to replace the old ones. These tires are one of, if not the lightest 6-ply tires you can buy ... And we all know weight is everything when it comes to the speed of a blaster or any 2 stroke for that matter. The well designed 3/4 in. tread pattern of the mudlite allows you to get through just about any terrain without sacrificing power or performance. Whether your muddin through thick slop with the 4x4's or trail riding and climbing hills, this tire gets the job done with ease. I would recommend the ITP mudlites to anyone with a 2 stroke or lower cc quad that wants the ability to ride in all types of terrain without the negative effects of the usual over weight mud tires !