

New Member
Jan 1, 2009
ok so i took my friend out to ride today and the throttle kept stickin and he was on it no longer than 2minutes and hte throttle stuck so he tried to just off and ended up dislocating his hip.he could move or nothin so we called for an ambulance and the paramedics were saying he broke his pelvis but this was before we found out it was dislocated but anyways they thought he broke his pelvis bone so they flew him an hour away to the hospital.when they put him on his back on the back board his leg just stayed up in the air the paramedics had to push it down a lil so he could get in the helecopter.and we got trespassed from that riding spot even tho there were no signs but i guess that doesnt matter the cop said.but all in all he is at home now walking with a brace
WOW man that must have hurt alot glad to here that your friend is ok. That is why I still have my TORS!!! and a cut off switch that go's on to my ridding gear. Did any thing happen to the Bike