In Honor of Michael "Durby" Owens 1972-2014

Memorial 3-8-14.jpg
Thanks to an "Angel" named Jessi for adding to my memorial creation. She planted the 2 white and yellow Tulips and the Butterfly wind chime. It is great to know that there are some good strangers in this world. ~ Brandy
so a lot has happened in the last 36 hours. My sister and mom were in an auto accident and had to extricated from my sisters Nissan Cube. They are okay, considering how bad it could have been. I truly believe that Michael and my maternal grandparents protected them from serious harm knowing I can not take anymore loss right now. I also had a dream about Michael, although I dont remember the details. The only thing I remember is a happy feeling while I slept. I wish i could remember the exact details other than Michael was in it.~ Brandy
Just stopping by to say hello. This past weekend was one of the better ones the last 10 weeks 1 day. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been praying for us. I also ask that those of you who have interacted with "Durby" or anyone who who like to, please light a white candle to help him on his spiritual journey/healing. Thanks

hey brandy, glad things are getting better for you
how's mom and sis doing ?
Stopping by to say hello. Things have been rather sh*tty the last few days. I had to go up last Friday and temporarily take down Michael's big cross so they could harvest the trees there. Due to the weather the cross was rusting and peeling and the messages were fading so I repainted his cross and it started a huge fight because I only left the 6 kids original messages. I even painted over my OWN messages to him too and they still got pissed. I just don't want his oldest to try anything that he will regret since he told me he is desperate to see and hear from his daddy again. so i left them and painted everything else...Was i wrong in handling that? I am interested in a "stranger" opinion...
true, but to i will be do my best to make it look nice for as long as i can..... With the repainting, it is like his cross will be evolving as the years pass and the kids age. I have been taking photos of them and I am gonna make a scrapbook, not to mention i post albums of his memorial on FB with all the photos of the messages and the flowers I have been planting up there...

Thanks amartin_72..
I think you have done a wonderful job with the memorial for Michael. Just try to explain to the kids that you want the cross to stay looking nice and will have to do some upkeep on it. As time goes on they may want their messages to their father to change. Keep your head up.