important petition!

#1919 (unfortunately there should be that many sigs just from a site this size.)
Props to xmous3yx, LRD and those that take the time to read and sign for doing their part. Amazing how easy it is and how few will help. I cruse atv forums and read bout how bored peeps are. Perk up and have sum fun fighting to save our right to ride! From your cozy chair & keyboard you can express yourself to the people that are writing & paying for these regulations. If you shrug & wait it will be too late.
I plan to drive a few hours to attend a USFS meeting in North Bend, Or on the 16th & 17th for an issue also mentioned on the LRD page.. Won't be fun, I really can't afford it and I'd rather go ride, but hey, maybe my Grandkids will enjoy the same dunes I do.

YZ Otis
I know this political crap pisses peeps off but I don't wanna hear "That sucks, I just didn't know" when reality sets in.

Here's a bit from USA Today a couple days ago.

Off-roaders in search of trails -

The USFS along with some well backed environment groups are in the process of closing, restricting or studying the land we ride on. There are 34,000,000 acres ( ya that's 34 million!) in 11 states under consideration right now in just one wilderness protection program. There are many other studies going on around the country. These are not just scientific studies but a group of individuals who volunteer an opinion. Most members are environmentalists. There are OHV groups involved but they need public support. A small minority of people are changing the laws. If OHV owners don't get involved they will be shining their beautiful bling machines in the driveway, tellin their kids & neighbors bout the good ol days.

YZ Otis
I know this political crap pisses peeps off but I don't wanna hear "That sucks, I just didn't know" when reality sets in.

Here's a bit from USA Today a couple days ago.

Off-roaders in search of trails -

The USFS along with some well backed environment groups are in the process of closing, restricting or studying the land we ride on. There are 34,000,000 acres ( ya that's 34 million!) in 11 states under consideration right now in just one wilderness protection program. There are many other studies going on around the country. These are not just scientific studies but a group of individuals who volunteer an opinion. Most members are environmentalists. There are OHV groups involved but they need public support. A small minority of people are changing the laws. If OHV owners don't get involved they will be shining their beautiful bling machines in the driveway, tellin their kids & neighbors bout the good ol days.

YZ Otis

definitely! well said otis