im on a mission!!

i started on worth menthol 100s, cuz thats what my mom smoked so it was easy to get them, than when i was in middle school, a friend of mine, his parents bought him marb reds and would sell packs to his friends for $2,50 a pack.. been on them since... i will smoke newports when im sick though..

im gonna try to get the wife to quite to.. she quite when she was preg with my son but she wa s adum dum and started again after he was born.. we dont smoke around him, well.. we smoke outside at home, and if he in the truck with me ill have the rear slider open and the drivers window open, and his window open a lil bit.. and out roommate smokes, alot of our friuends do so its gonna be hard
thanks again everyone.. i forgot to check my carton to see how many packs i have left.. the wife and i share cartons so im guessing by thrusday or so ill be out..

hell i figure even if i can manage to quite tell prices come down.. or even cut wayyyyy back that would be great... if i can cut to 10 smokes a day thats much better than the pack to 2 packs i smoke now
omg dont be so ignorant, your gonna quit because prices are high? dude come on you should quit because you worry about your health, sorry it just pisses me off when people all they think about is da money and dont worry about there health or the health of there families
This is for those who want to stop smoking tobacco...but still has the nicotine in it

.I dont know if its available in the states yet. any thoughts, concerns, comments.....

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omg dont be so ignorant, your gonna quit because prices are high? dude come on you should quit because you worry about your health, sorry it just pisses me off when people all they think about is da money and dont worry about there health or the health of there families

right now im not concernde with my health.. i been smoking for 15 years ( yes i started at 10 years old!!) had strep throat last summer and when the doctor listened to my lungs she asked if i smoke and told her yes. 1-2 packs i day and how long been smoking... and she didnt beleve me

and like i said dont smoke it the house, and in the truck i have the windows open around my son
yeah so you can rot your gums out,lol, i used to do both, being on a navy ship, 6 hrs of watch, then hit restricted maneuvering, while you are on watch, you got another 6 hrs ahead of you.
right now im not concernde with my health.. i been smoking for 15 years ( yes i started at 10 years old!!) had strep throat last summer and when the doctor listened to my lungs she asked if i smoke and told her yes. 1-2 packs i day and how long been smoking... and she didnt beleve me

and like i said dont smoke it the house, and in the truck i have the windows open around my son

holy sh*t dude your gona f*cking die!! your still young a man!, try your hardest to cut down as much as you can now to get off of those things. its a tough battle but you gotta try ! if not for yourself then for your family and most impotanly your son!!

i dont want to be a hipacrit cause i smoke too but maby a 1/2pack a day
im 33 and trust me the older you get the harder it is to get your body to bounce back from that sh*t. and trust me i feeling the effects of them damb newports everyday!
dude dont smoke around your kid please. i hate that. even in the car with the windows open its bad.

and it can be done. it takes alot of willpower though. my grandpa that just recently past away was crazy! when he had his first heart attack he, he smoked so much so his doctor told him to try to quit smoking because its doing his heart in. so he just up and stops on the spot. no slowing down for a couple weeks, no fancy patches and sh*t just stops on the spot. past away from liver cancer and they could have done surgery. they thought he was just a weak old man and pretty much wrote him off. total bullshit because they didnt know how strong he was like we did.
sorry to hear about your grandpa man, my grandma died from smoking, lung cancer that spread to brain cancer, she was the closest person i had to me at the time
yeah good luck i made my ex quit when she was prego with my son but she started again, and when i go pick him up he smells like smoke soo bad i hate her for that he had rsv and he might has asthma be cause of it but she dnt care ...
Okay if you smoke 2 packs a day it is gonna be EXTREMELY hard to go cold turkey. I am 21 I started smoking when I was 13 I was smoking a little over a pack a day and then i went out one night and had some of my friends dip because i used to dip and he had my favorite so i did it for old times sake then i bought a can for myself. i went through that can and bought another and by the time i bought the second can i decided that i was going to start cutting back smoking so i wasnt doing both so i did it one per day just baby steps so if you have 25 today then tomorrow have 24 then the next day 23 then so on and so forth thats how i did it but about half way through i just kind of stopped smoking as many as i was "allowed" to and by the time i got down to where i was allowed 6 per day on that day (2/20/09) I did not have a single cigarette all day for the first time in about 7.5 years. since then I had one on the way to the desert last weekend.

and to add to my novel that i just wrote i live in is illegal to smoke in a vehicle with anyone under 18, they are trying to legalize pot (which is looking good) then selling it for $50 for half oz. and if that is the case that will help with the just wanting to inhale and exhale the smoke cause i do have cravings almost every day.
just try to stay away man u can overcome it its for the good of ur health and ur kids health and the money be strong
well.. i got one and ahalf smokes left.. gonna be a sh*tty night with my son being sick..... atlest he is like me and gets sick when its nice out and not in the winter when its sh*tty out so it makes gettin better harder