if they dont get it stopped soon..

I saw when I was just down in Florida how they are talking to movie stars about how to stop the leak. This is not a movie, this is real stuff. I feel bad for them guys down there. Its just bad. Just like its not real because we dont see it affect us up here.
they reported today that the oil spill has made it to the white sandy beaches of pensacola florida.

it's sad they can't plug one stinking hole...

never liked Bill Clinton, but they need to put him in charge of this... he knew how to plug holes.
just ask monica
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i hate the tv coverage of this sh*t they dont seem to be able to grasp how f-in complicated this is to deal with. yes ok its a 6in diameter pipe but its a hard ass pipe and its taped into billions of gallons of crude that is under enormous pressure. imagine trying to stuff mud into a pressure washer with the weight of the ocean on top of you.. not happenin its just to damn deep for anything that has been made to stop it to work. unless they get real inventive real quick. i mean think about it we have discovered more sh*t in space than we have in our own oceans why cause its easier to light a rocket under our asses and get shot out to the vaccum of space than it is to dive to the ocean floor. remember it aint sh*t to fly 5000ft but its hell to dive and work at 5000ft
yes ok its a 6in diameter pipe but its a hard ass pipe

dude that leakin pipe is 20" in dia bro, and if its soooo hard to get down there how did these 5000+ ft deep pipes get put in place...?

if somehow they were laid there then somehow they can plug them up, its prolly another bush sabotage deal with another country still going on so we have to buy it from them X(
dude that leakin pipe is 20" in dia bro, and if its soooo hard to get down there how did these 5000+ ft deep pipes get put in place...?

if somehow they were laid there then somehow they can plug them up, its prolly another bush sabotage deal with another country still going on so we have to buy it from them X(

you ever been out to a rig of any kind and seen the big sections of pipes. the deeper you go the harder the pipe they just keep adding sections of pipe as it gets deeper no one acually goes down there to put it in place they use rov's which they are using now. they use those to put the head inplace for drilling and you're right the pipe is 20" im still stuck on the sh*t im doing in school right now but no matter what the size of the pipe is its broke in a couple places and they wont tell you whats really up with the whole thing and they will show some pics and vids cause the majority of average people dont really know what their lookin at other than whats being said on tv. and since bush is out you dont have do worry about the prices of gas going up, cause if he was gas would be $15.00 a gallon(exageration) but you get what i mean lol
i think bp needs to take shells idea aboutsiphoning the oil, just my opinion, i think it was stupid that this all happened in the first place, i don't care how many times bp says it was a accident, it wasn't they rushed it and screwed it up and ruind the entire gulf, i hope that fag that rushed it gets his ass sued till he has no home
dude no offence or anything but you obviously dont understand whats going on here.. they wanted to do that and it didnt work.. BP f**cked up big time thier greed is soley to blame for this disaster. a simple shutoff valve or "blowout preventer" would have prevented this situation but no they decided not to worry about safty and just focus on money. im willing to bet that in the end BP files for bankrupcy and the U.S. is stuck cleaning up this sh*t.

it's ok, I haven't kept up with it much. I just know that concrete sets up under water and if they could a get a hose to it it could possibly work. I didn't know they have already tried it.
it's ok, I haven't kept up with it much. I just know that concrete sets up under water and if they could a get a hose to it it could possibly work. I didn't know they have already tried it.

yeah man, the biotch is its more than a mile under water.
the concrete might have worked if the hadn't half butted it, see, the pipe apparently bent to the side when it blew, and they just filled the bent part, they needed to cut off the bent part and fill the straight part. but they're too lazy
This is worse than being up sh*t creek without a paddle. Since BP wanted to make gobs of money they took way to many short cuts, fake one to many test, and paid of a few to many inspectors and now it is biting up in the ass. BP didn't care at the start because it was american water, now the BP CEO is trying to cover his ass and make up for it. BP should have been responsible from the start but they didn't want to be so they blamed everyone else and now it is too late, the damage is done. This kinda stuff has happened before, the only difference was that it was on land and was pretty simple to fix. This happening at sea make it 10 times worse, this happening 50 miles at sea and at 5000+ feet of depth makes things 100 time harder on top of that. The biggest problem with these depths is that no human can go that deep, you have to do everything with ROVs which are somewhat limited in their capabilities and what they can do. The point of the "top kill" approach was to fill this thing with drilling mud to hold back the pressure until they could get the pipe filled with concrete and let that set up, but the extreme amount of pressure coming up from the well prevented that. As for the other wells they are drilling that is suppose to be the only sure way to "stop" this leak isn't 100% sure to work. Once this oil gets into the gulf stream and gets out into the Atlantic we will be massively fubar'd, at that point probably massive fish die offs and could possible see global weather changes if it happens to mess with the ocean currents in the Atlanic. Will BP man up and pay for everything like they are saying they will now, or sis out and ruin themselves forever for money?
you must be a plumber as well..
a huge drain king would even work in a matter of hours..

Yes Sir 305 , local 32 Plumbers and Steamfitters Seattle , Gas Pipe Fitter , we deal with broken and blowing mains and services everyday , damn , we still have steel squeezers that will work under water and pinch off 30" pipe , sealed hydraulic squeezers will work 5000 feet under water , Just gimme the word , I'll saddle up.....
Yes Sir 305 , local 32 Plumbers and Steamfitters Seattle , Gas Pipe Fitter , we deal with broken and blowing mains and services everyday , damn , we still have steel squeezers that will work under water and pinch off 30" pipe , sealed hydraulic squeezers will work 5000 feet under water , Just gimme the word , I'll saddle up.....

ok im giving you the word, now get your ass in gear lol
Yes Sir 305 , local 32 Plumbers and Steamfitters Seattle , Gas Pipe Fitter , we deal with broken and blowing mains and services everyday , damn , we still have steel squeezers that will work under water and pinch off 30" pipe , sealed hydraulic squeezers will work 5000 feet under water , Just gimme the word , I'll saddle up.....

seems to me like BP doesnt want any outside help.. how is it up to them anyway? this problem could have been resolved a long time ago or at least cut down to a minimum.. pinching off would have slowed the flow down alot..
as a plumber this is really upsetting..
Ya I'm one of those people that say the government should have taken over, but if they would have then it would basically give BP a way of saying well we weren't incharge so we really can't be held responsible from said date of take over, if they even man up and take responsibility.
seems to me like BP doesnt want any outside help.. how is it up to them anyway? this problem could have been resolved a long time ago or at least cut down to a minimum.. pinching off would have slowed the flow down alot..

as a plumber this is really upsetting..

it's funny something as archaic and simple as a bag or plug can solve this or simply squeezing it off just proves that with all the technology in the world old fitter tricks still work the best I'll post up some pics of our old time squeezers they are bad ass huge machines I've always wanted to see them put to use one more time
Going through and reading some of these post (Specailly the one about all the new tech) got me to thinking. It seems that the more advance we get in technology, the more complicated it gets to fix things, that could be fix just as successfully if not better with older much simpler procedures. One saying that I live the old saying KISS( Keep It Simple Stupid)