Idle and fuel question

Jul 22, 2021
Some people say you can't let a 2 stroke idle and you have to keep blipping the throttle, because you will foul a plug or blow your top end due to not enough oil at idle for the piston while others say they let their blaster idle all day and never had a problem. I would like to know if I could let my blaster idle for around 10 minutes to warm up while I get ready to ride it.

The previous owner told me to put oil in the oil injector tank and 32:1 in the gas tank to be safe. He told me to use Amsoil dominator oil, and I want to make sure everything he told me is correct, the mix and the oil type.

The only thing he didn't tell me is the type of gas to use, is regular fine, or should I use premium?
That thing must smoke like a freight train with that much oil :eek:
Pick one or the other, amsoil is fine. No weed whacker, chainsaw, or boat oil !!
Unless you have high compression I’d just use mid grade
Thanks for the information, you said it must smoke a lot with that much oil, but my blaster doesn't really smoke, should I be concerned?

I asked my local Yamaha dealer about the idle they said 3-5 minutes at most, does that seem correct?
Warmup time is dependent on outside air temp. Good rule of thumb is when you can’t hold your hand on the cylinder, it’s ready to ride. If you don’t warm it up enough you risk cold seizures, engine damage even if it doesn’t seize
What oil are you using ?

The way I read that is that you are using BOTH oil injection and premix.
I'm using the Amsoil Dominator oil. That's what the previous owner said, to put oil in both gas tank and oil injector tank, I have no idea if the oil injector works or not. Thank you for the answers you gave me on all my posts, they really helped me understand what I was confused about.
Not that it would go down fast, but is the level dropping in the tank?

I don’t use that oil, is it considered smokeless?
I haven't check to see if the oil was dropping in the injection tank, but will do so once I ride it.

On the back of the Amsoil bottle it says "Burns clean; helps prevent ring sticking and plug fouling" so I am not sure if it means clean as in smokeless or what.

If you don't mind me asking, what oil do you use for your blaster?