idea's for a business

What about a roller skating then sorry my bad sisnt think about exhaust. Not sure how big 3000 sq ft looks like sorry. Wait I thinkn bout that. Hmmmm
Its kinda like a coffee shop but with wifi an u can do like the one here does an host like a gamin night on the pcs or xboxs an have tornys an stuff with a entry fee to play. The net Is free to use as long as u buy like a cup of coffee or piece of cake just as long as u purchase something. Its pretty cool cause like sometimes there's as many as 50 people who pay 10 bucks just to play pc games for an hr
Sometimes we even get people that do the whole role playing of dungeons an dragons in there. Lil wierd but pretty amuzing to watch. Lol.
what about a bowling ally with games( like the race car things and shootin things) an a lazer quest(thats wat its called here) [the lazer gun things and you wear the vest thing.... the team game when you shoot each other] and mabe a place in there that you could get something to eat... chips and bugers.. etc....
do custom wheelchair lifts and stuff for vehicles, and some other type of disabled mobility stuff. they have a place like that here and there cleaning up
what about a bowling ally with games( like the race car things and shootin things) an a lazer quest(thats wat its called here) [the lazer gun things and you wear the vest thing.... the team game when you shoot each other] and mabe a place in there that you could get something to eat... chips and bugers.. etc....

a bowling alley would cost way to much to buy everything to open one of them up
Hey I just thought about it. But what about a pool hall with darts an u guys could host tournys an still sell beer an wine. Just another thought