i need some free parts il pay shipping.


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
hillsboro missouri
im looking for a fatty pipe any type of exhaust stuff or tires and wheels or a arms or a seat cover or gear or anything you have thats good il pay shipping if you would send me a private message .thanks.
I can see someone helping you out with a part or two if you are in desperate need,but that seems like a wish list to me.Good luck
How in the hell can you even ask for a freeby? Why do you deserve it? Seems like a with trash move to me! Maybe you should get a job and pay for it like the rest of us.
I must have upset the OP. Here is a PM from him "i make 10000 a month so shut up." So he make $10,000 a month and is here begging for parts? Sounds like a pre teen to me.
if i made 10 grand a month id be in jolly land hell if i had a job id be in jolly land but noone wants to hrie a 15 year old kinda sucks :( but 10 grand a month that seems like a lie to me if hes asking for free parts he should be giving away free stuff if he makes that much lol
hey guys maybe be is a younger kid that needs stuff, i no that its not all free, or none, but he just has to save up his money--now on the other hand, if your some rich basterd you can buy your own sh*t! and support the forum
lmao.. I got some used stock grips and a few bolts laying around maybe an oil pump guard .. maybe you should look into an fmf sticker I heard you gain 20 horsepower easy lolol
no what u do put a nos sticker on it that adds like 50 hp its not the nos that makes the car or quad faster its the stick why do u think ppl put stickers on when they have them not cause its a fire hazard cuz it makes it faster lol
damnnn son i never thought about a nos sticker roflmao mise well scoop up a vforce 3 sticker some vito stickers and some nitrous express stickers too VERY CHEAP UPGRADE lolol
im looking for a fatty pipe any type of exhaust stuff or tires and wheels or a arms or a seat cover or gear or anything you have thats good il pay shipping if you would send me a private message .thanks.

i can send you material to make your own bad ass seat cover for the price shipping would be, then i'll ship it to you so it will be free in a way...

best i can do brotha I:I