I need Help!!!


New Member
Aug 12, 2010
Long Island NY
i need to change my oil and i tryed to loosen the screw on the bottom of the engine but the threads on the bolt started to just crumble on the sides so now theres practicly no threads and i need a way to get the bolt out to change my oil, if anyone has any ideas that would be great.
the threads are bad or the bolt head itself

if the head is bad and you have a welder you can tack a nut on the bad head and use the wrench for that nut

or like i said get a vise grip on that biotch really f*cking tight
yea its not the threads i know that its just the bolt head, and i think your right i might just put the vice grip on REALLY tight and just see what happens. but its also that its an awquard place to put a vice grip. or if im sh*t out of ideas i might do what blaster bro said. thanks guys
you need one of these..........you can find it at your local auto parts emporium
so i tryed it and it still wouldnt work, im 16 and im a lil guy so im not that strong so im gonna have my dad see if he can do it and get it open for me before i buy this kit that brandoz28 suggested, thanks guys!
yeah brandonz28 those are the sockets I was telling the last guy who asked this question about. wasn't all slick with the pics though
some other guy had the same question a few days ago and I was telling him about those sockets that brandon had pics of. i was just sayin good job. not sure what happened with that last sentence. didn't make much sence at all did it. I'll blame that on the corona
alright so i tryed doing it again and its just not working out for me. im only 16 and im a lill guy so im gonna get my dad to try ito get it out before i buy one of those kits that brandoz28 suggested thanks guys u helped a lot!