can a blaster beat a raptor 660??if so with wat modsI:I.....cause my bro he is allways talking sh*t that i will never beat him with my blaster.....and im getting piss already..just want to show him hu is bossI:I
ok i allways ride in the corn field you guys should try that one day the corn fiels i go to has parts like trail....mud trails little jump trail then the drag strip lol
i ride corn fields every time i go to the wifes grand ma's farm.. well except when crops are planted... going there this weekend
i'll ride the corn fields....someday if i ever get the blaster done lol
Beef that blasty up and whoop that 4 poke's ass!
Save your cash and buy the parts you need.You will never beet him with subpar tires.Tire combo is huge when racing.