how would you

lol, depending on where u r going, i wouldnt sweat anything man, ive been to nyc a few dozen times for shows concerts ect, and 1 thing i can say is there r cops everywhere, and just be urself, im assuming ur gonna leave early to get it started, i do tattoos and i can see u will be sitting there for a hell of a long time just for the outline, and u might have to go back to have it finished, i dont see a whole sleeve being done in that short of time but anyway post some pics when its done
omg your gonna blow 2 grand on a tat???? jesus christ you must be rich then boy if not your gonna be wanting those 2k later,well as to the topic in a ziplock and tape it to the leg and dude New York isnt that bad there are cops everywhere unles your gonna be carrying that money at night in an alley.
nah man im not that rich i have been savin it for like a year for this reason and yea your right im gonna need to go up more then once to get it done theres gonna be a lot of detail and lil sh*t in it as well i'll post pics the night i get home from the first outline or whatever he does and im just gonna take the bus and rite when i get off take a tax to the shop
ok... this is a serious option.. crotch it.. like.. not in the but or wrapped around your wang.. but put it in a snadwich bag, and tape it to the inside of your leg right under da nuts!! im serious man.. just use the bath room when ya get there and un tape the loot

AH HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! Might wanna wax or shave that section of your leg! Although that would be some funny sh*t to be in the stall next to you when you decide to cash out! RRRRRRRIIIPPPPP! "sweet mother mary of god"
