How to Install Crank Bearings Easily


Dec 18, 2011
New Jersey
so i found a really neat way of installing the crank bearings without using hammers or any blut force on youtube. heres how....

1) put bearings into the freezer for about 2 hrs or so
2) rite before u take the bearings out, heat up the case and around where the bearings will seat with a blow torch. be carefull when u do this!!!!!! u DONT want it to be cherry hot, or even red hot. u want it hot enough to where u can only hold ur hand there for 1-2 seconds.
3) take bearings out, and press them in with your hand. be carefull not to get burned.
4) if bearings dont go in, tap them with a mallet and old rag very lightly.
I've put the cases in an oven at about 250* before to do this.

Another note, don't roll the bearings until they've come up to temperature and you've oiled them
Using a small propane torch for that isn't a bad thing. The oven was simply my only option at the time lol
i have done it both ways and the oven seems to work better for me. also i like to clean up the area where they are going in to be sure they slide right in. if you do end up needing to tap them in just a little bit be sure and tap only the outer race of the bearing. nice write up!