How to find out what Year yours is!

Missing Digits - Help

there is a vin on the motor too I believe.

I have a 2000 Blaster that has the VIN Partially worn off. I did some research and found Blaster Vin's are 17 Digits long. The engine VIN is only a partial Frame VIN. My issue is that in order to register it for public use, I need a 17 Digit VIN. Any clues as to how to fill in the blanks. The homemade nerfs the previous owner had installed was the obvious culprit on my machine. (bare metal no grinder or scratch marks) HELP!!!!!! Do I need to buy a LEGIT frame with a readable VIN and transfer all my machine over (PLEASE GOD NO) just to register my machine? H...E...L...P.....

you can use my vin number to register if you want. you'd just have to restamp it into your frame.

registering isn't necessary here.

pm me

I am contacting yamaha on the issue, WOLF1 if I cannot proceed I may PM you for just that. Thanks my fellow blaster-ites !!!!
what year is my bike, it starts with 3jm and the 10th number is 1 and the hole vin is only 13 letter/numbers
At least yours has a VIN mine has nothing at all and I have no paperwork at all, I don't even know what year it is I only found out that it was a blaster because I looked for yamaha atv pictures online lol. None of that stuff is required over here in Japan. Therefore when I take it back to the state I am going to have a hard time registering it if it needs to be registered where ever I am going lol.
here is another pic i made...anyone can save this image and use it to help those in need...might save typing it a million times..
year calculator blaster 1 1.jpg
mine is a 2002 then?
10th number is a 2. followed by 000 so it has a 13 numberr vin
but its odd. they did the diskbrake front converrrsion + rear but a bit hagard.
but it has black repainted plastics that are original grey wings and red tank and front plastic. but grey red is like 1992 ish..
but i bought a blue facelift plastics for 60€ looks way better