how much money have you put in the blasty

I try not to think about it.... I:I

Most of my modifications have been trades/deals but I still have more money than common sense tied up in my blaster....
i want to mod mine up! only to a certain degree, i think tonight im going to order up some nerfs, and boyessen reeds
i want to mod mine up! only to a certain degree, i think tonight im going to order up some nerfs, and boyessen reeds

bro your bike will not satisfy you until you get the mod bug like me you need lots of parts or you will be like any other new newb they add little mods and sell saying its not fast enuf.if your going to mod the bike go big get vforce3 reeds
$7200 not including what I paid for it and I'm sending parts to the chrome shop next week so it'll be a little more
including all the fugg ups i made in the beginning before i found this place, and purchase price...... oooofffffff in the 7,000.00 range. a arms and some other goodies in the mail right now
with parts and the cost of labor to get mine rebuilt, and fix the carbourator that was 800 bucks. all together everything i put into mine about 1800-2000