depends on where i get gas... i work in a bigger city ( college city) if i get gas there its like 274? for mid grade ( my crown vic is tuned for 89) if i dont run 89 it will ping a lil.. if i get gas here its normally 3 cents more..
i pay like 3 a gallon for 93 non ethanol recreational vehicle gas for the wheelers.. kwik trip!! check it out there are tags on the premium hose that say it!!
4 stroke oil honda gn4 i pay $5 a quart.. my pro honda hp2 is 8 a pint..
Seems that we've got the most expensive fuel.
We pay about R7.60($1=R7.55) per lt, so that would be over $5 per gal. at least it is 93 octane
Amazing if u think we produce 80% of our fuel from coal and not buying oil
i live on NC/SC border. so i go into SC to get gas its about 2.75 for 93. found a gas station about 30 miles down the road with 105 for about 6.50 a gal. airports the cheapest place for high grade gas. have to pick it up in a gas can though. they wont let you pump it directly. have to tell em its for an offroad race car or something. so check your local airports.