How long can you make a post?

haha how did you guess? but im limited to ten pics per post anyway so the character question is irrelevant now. still working on it though..almost done! should be up today or tomorrow sometime
dude you have to much time on your hands! I'm busy getting the blasty ready our next rally is around the corner, 19 March is the bosveld rally. If only you lived closer.
Here is some info, it is in afrikaans thou


BAAN: Drie rondtes van ongeveer 45km per rondte
TERREIN: Bestaan uit "iets van alles" - sandpaaie, heuwels, klipperigheid, gladde paaie, ongelykte areas en draaie
BIKES: Open bike: 250cc 2 stroke en groter
250cc bike: 250cc 4 stroke en kleiner

QUADS: Open Quad: 450cc en groter
400cc Quad: 400cc
350cc Quad: 350cc en kleiner

DAMES: Bike en Quad

“OLD TIMERS BIKE & QUAD”: Deelnemers 40 jaar & ouer

Na afloop van rally bied ons 'n "Fun Run" @ R50 per motorfiets aan vir oud en jonk!!!! Geen persone onder die invloed van alkohol sal toegelaat word om aan die “Fun Run” deel te neem nie.
haha time? its taken me 7 months to type this bladdy thing! ja that sounds fun. pity, but hey there are many a ride down here too! im still waiting on my piston from the strates...taking forever.