i gave 5...not 7...my bad...but aye thanx fer all the help...i feel like im in a certain club that only alows rep point people...=)
well i gave you 7 rep points so...idk were it went...sh*t well ill try later...im goin ta bed..
the problem with the rep system is that people abuse it and give rep to their friends. its kinda like some sort of high school cluque for those who want a lot of points.
if you give someone rep points and you have a grey box, it doesnt count toward their total. if someone with a green box gives rep it increases the persons rep that received it. those with red boxes cant have no effect on others at all. both good or bad.
It was a wild ass guess that nobody had mentioned yet, sorry you thought it sounded a little off.
i feel like im in a certain club that only alows rep point people...=)
i have over 100 posts and have no rep points
did u guys know that for every 100 posts ur rep power points go up by one also, for evey month ur a member u get rep point
you have none because no one have given you one to start you off at least i think thats the problem, I got the same problemthen explain to me why i have no rep points