How does my piston look

You can either make your own leakdown tester or purchase one relatively inexpensive from a member on here, "Slickerthanyou". I *believe* his leakdown testers are $30 and will save your engine when you get it back together.

Basically, not leakdown testing your engine when you reassemble it is a death sentence.... maybe not that day, maybe not even that soon but eventually....
well the good thing is i dont have to ship it i live in ct and that 600 only includes that labor not the parts right
My advice would be to NOT worry about the exterior items (carb, pipe) that can be changed later.
Having as much stock as possible will help in getting it running right and getting trustworthy advice.

First priority with a Blaster is get a good reliable rebuild. Good crank, seals and piston fit.
If you are putting a crank in, a stroked/stuffer can be had for very little extra, balancing quality issues.
First power adding issue is getting the cylinder head rechambered. More power/$ here than anywhere else.
Even the cylinder head and ported cylinder can easily be added at a later time if you are hard for dollars.
Most porting involves raising the exhaust port and raises power slightly at the cost of midrange torque, unless done by an expert.

So, at this time don't waste a cent on exterior add-ons!
Put all your money on a quality rebuild. It is the core of a reliable engine.
Cylinder head rechamber (about $60) is the best bang for your buck if properly done.
yeah but while i already have everything all apart i wanna get it all done now

Trust me on this.
You have a better chance of having an excellent performing machne if you move one step at a time, eg:
1) good rebuild, maybe some porting, maybe a head chambered while it is apart.
...Maybe even a stroker crank while you are in there and Ken can set it up for you.
2) get it running and learn to jet it with a plug chop, ride like hell and enjoy.
3) drill or remove the filter box lid. Learn to jet it with a plug chop, ride like hell and enjoy.
4) buy a pipe and silencer. Learn to jet it with a plug chop, ride like hell and enjoy.
5) Buy a bigger carb. Learn to jet it with a plug chop, ride like hell and enjoy.
If at any point it does not perform any better, take it back a previous step.
At this point you will start refining things, and after most mods I will include:
6) Do a compression test, leak test, plug chop and re-jet it...

Jump ahead and do everything at once, you will be lost and we will be very little help.

Read this thread: Only get 56mph after spending $2000 on mods LINK