How do you make long travel arms?


New Member
Mar 18, 2012
Ok well I'm tryn to build my own a-arms , and I want to get trx450r front shocks and I think I need +5 long travel a-arms which I think is a total of 19 inches long with ball joint included, now I'm wondering how do you make long travel a-arms, do you just move the shock mount lower? Does anyone have any pics of long travel a-arms?
Building a-arms can get veryyyyy difficult. My best advice is talk to a member called "sicivicdude" on here. He is the expert fabricator!
you should probably be one hell of a fabricator before you attempt to make your own arams they aren't exactly an easy task to pull off from what I have read an you have a lot riding on your a arms working properly (hahah literally a lot riding on em)
Have to look around at different sites to get ideas. Seeing that blasters aren't known for LT. I THINK (:o) it has to do with shocks being lower/further out, and with Blaster might have to fab different upper shock mount. This subject is related to my thread about ball joint stress.

You have to visualize the travel of arms and shocks.