holy snow!!!


New Member
Jun 24, 2009
my area just got punded with snow and is gettin more tonighgt and tommorrowwww ridin is ridiculous i found out a lot of the people in my neihborhood have quadss lol any body else havin a good or bad time in the snow?
ya we finally got snow, everyone was ridin a quad even around town. it was fun but now im having to let the snow melt off so i can put on a new chain :(
I'm dying to get out in it. My quad is so close to running but it wont fire up... Its horrible sitting here watching everyone go up and down the road on quads and snowmobiles... Hopefully it'll be running tomorrow if my dude can get it
yeah were gettin pounded again...already got like 5 - 6 inches and getting more tonite and tomorrow. Glad Im off till Thursday....
I'm dying to get out in it. My quad is so close to running but it wont fire up... Its horrible sitting here watching everyone go up and down the road on quads and snowmobiles... Hopefully it'll be running tomorrow if my dude can get it

I hear that I am out shoveling snow hearing quads tearing up and down the road.X(
36in 2 days ago, and were expecting 10-20 tomorrow/tonight! everyone with quads, sleds, and trikes are all out riding on the roads... no one with cars is out!! its so much fun, i just got my driveway plowed today! SO So much snow!!!! today a ups truck ot stuck on our road and it caught on fire from it over-heating...<<<now that was funny!!!!!!!
I hear that I am out shoveling snow hearing quads tearing up and down the road.X(

it freakin sucks thats why i bough a quad was to play in the winter and the summer
My girlfriends Grandpa had his snowmobile running for us but once the snow hit it quit running....
still waiting for my clutch plates hopefully they will come tommorow SO i can have some fun in the snow....

Well i had a mission of great proportions today to get an ignition coil....i drove to mt holley NJ because none of my local dealers had it that's an hour and a half each way just because i want to drive in the streets tomorrow. On top of that i had to pop-start it because of over flooding.....Then my crappy tors crapped out on me so i removed that so in total 9 hours total devoted to senor blastor!!!!
Christ. I didn't think I'd ever say this but I miss the snow right now. I'm originally from SE Ohio and I spend half my year in SE Michigan working. Apparently they got dumped on. My bike is with me in South Carolina. All my buddies up north are telling me they're tearing it up on their sleds/quads. :(
i kinda want to go to my buddy in michigans house and ride snowmobiles with him, man, we only have like 4 in, no school today, school site still says closed:)