Quick Goog search and it looks like it went to Fed court and the girls won! now i know this is females wearing it and sometimes rules are different for guys but it looks like you MAY get away with it if you have your facts in a row. Personally I had cancer as a child and support the St. Judes Childerens Cancer center in Memphis. I think that if it was tackfuly worn you would be good.
Also I work for a large company and we have a dress code similar to high school's and we do allow these shirts and arm bands due to the cause. We also sell them a few times a year to raise money.
Get your ducks in a row and a plan if you are comfronted, always remain calm and keep a clear head if someone asks you to remove your shirt. In the event you are required to change just do it as it can lead to other issues having nothing to do with the shirt such as insudordination rules that come up do NOT doing something you were asked to do! If you are required to change shirts and do act like an ass then taking it to the next step is pointless because the school will make you out to look worse, if they cant say ANYTHING else negative about the situation and it was ALL about the shirt then you now have made a stepping stone. Just my 2 cents!
I Love Boobies.
We’ve all seen the “I love boobies” shirts and bracelets by now. They were banned in school districts nation wide and labeled as a vulgar distraction. Fortunately for us, a few Middle School girls were brave enough to stand up against the administration and tell them that they were wrong.
The girls took the case to Federal court and won. Judge Mary McLaughlin said “The bracelets are intended to be and they can reasonably be viewed as speech designed to raise awareness of breast cancer and to reduce stigma associated with openly discussing breast health. The words [I heart boobies] were chosen to enhance the effectiveness of the communication to the target audience.” For all of these reasons, the Court concluded, “It would have been unreasonable for these school officials to conclude that these breast cancer awareness bracelets are lewd or vulgar under the Fraser standard.” The bans were unconstitutional and violated students’
First Amendment Rights.
Every October I put up a Youtube video to inform my subscribers that it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and every year I post a link to
http://www.keep-a-breast.org/. It never fails… each and every year I’m bombarded with students that tell me that their school administrators have banned the bracelets and shirts in their district, and I always have to inform them that it’s unconstitutional and that they should fight it. Maybe now that these girls have successfully won their case other students will follow suit in similar situations. It’s insane how much of a difference a few ambitious people can make in the world. It is possible to challenge authority in a respectable manor, and it makes our generation look better when people are willing to do so. Step up, and support what you believe in.
“The duty of youth is to challenge corruption.” -Kurt Cobain