Dude he's going to do it regardless, so why not give him some positive reinforcement? o
My response-------------------->8-|
EDIT: Why not give him some negative reinforcement(as far as the action) so he avoids getting in trouble altogether?
Dude he's going to do it regardless, so why not give him some positive reinforcement? o
It is one thing to state your opinion to the thread topic. But it is a whole other story to quote almost every friggin thing said and say whatever the f*** you wanna. Just leave sh*t be. State your opinion and just leave it alone. Quit being an egotistical, fag, hippie, biotch and grow the f*** up. You post alot which means you like this forum. I suggest if you wanna keep coming back and posting you watch yourself cuz the ban hammer is coming and when it does, its gonna come hard.
i always have to roar to get the tards to listen dont get me wrong theres a few nice ones but the rest are all the same
you think thats bad ? in my school you have no opinion what teacher says is right i always have to roar to get the tards to listen dont get me wrong theres a few nice ones but the rest are all the same (all the older ones ) a fatass got her mum to complain about food and guess what we dont get sussage rolls are chips anymore then a posh kids mum went in and said to many sweets guess what? they took away all the minerals and sweets ! where not aloud leave the school until the year after next for lunch (5th year) sucks ass
funniest thing i have read in a while...the hole post was LOL,but thats the best part...
I think it's brilliant. It probably would end up on the news if the school punished you in any way for wearing it, cause everyone's so uptight these days. do eeeeeeeeet.
My school still has Coca Cola and root beer in the vending machines and we get cheese burgers and hot dogs in the cafeteria, I guess its a dying breed. The girls wear some pretty revealing clothing at my school and there's a lot of punk swearing T shirts worn by the guys and no one has ever said anything about it. We leave school whenever we feel like it, but if you missed a class you gotta answer for it.
As far as this whole argument goes about wearing a pink breast cancer T shirt instead for the same cause, I think the "I<3 boobies" T shirt is a WAY better way to get peoples attention about the topic you are supporting, that is the idea of wearing the T shirt isn't it? Go for it man, don't look back.
Yes it's a shame what has happened. I went to a catholic school so we had uniforms. I didn't really care for them but did it anyhow. Now that im old and have kids in highschool, public it is rediculous some of the things they send home, and lunches they have. And most schools around my area, you are not allowed to leave school property once you are in school. So going out for luch days don't happen.
The kids (even mine) nowadays but the jeans ripped from the store that is the style, and those tight as aerpostle shirts.
Or the other half of school is baggy pants and 5XL shirt (ghetto gear) is what i call it, and i don't like that either but if that's how the kids wants to dress so be it everyone has different likes.
I can understand not wearing shirts that have swear words and naked pics but words come on, That is the old school people saying it's not proper!
I love the boobies shirt! but they probably will tell ya to inside out or wear a different one , just society today all fuked up!
My kids can't wear a shirt that has a picture of any beer or alcoholic drink on it because they say that is considered to influence kids to drink? ARE you seroius!!! Guess the parents not teaching there kids not to drink or use drugs doesn't count anymore??
99lrd just shut the f**ck up.Do you honestly realise how many people you have really been pissing off latly.Just keep your smartazz comments to yourself.Please and sorry for the theard jack kronik.