heres a tuffy for ya


New Member
Jun 28, 2009
well we went rideing the other day she ran awsome till i came up to the stop sign hit the gas and died kicked it started hit the gas and died it home found out i had a broked reed put new ones in cleaned carb changed plug checked spark still doing it idels great hit the throttle dies.please help brothers
chaged the jets too and yes on the reeds when i pulled the cage the broken peddle feel right out it broke at the screw. its got me and couple buddys here stumped.
It sounds like your getting sprak but its weak, have you actually tested it yet? it may look fine when your kicking it with a normal gap but it could be weak. Make the gap on your spark plug half the size and see if it helps any, or make it very wide and see if it still jumps the gap... it should jump about an 1" in normal atmospheric conditions.
I tried my HEI spark tester on his quad and it jumped across wonderfully.. took the carb off a few times to check for plugged jets and nothing helped...

Its crazy the quad ran fine most of the day, and then when he left from that intersection it did this...

Anymore thoughts for him??
We have a CDI in our 00 Blaster, and another from our 96 pile of parts.. What exactly is the difference between the 2?

Someone else suggested it may have sheered the key... Any thoughts on that?
We have a CDI in our 00 Blaster, and another from our 96 pile of parts.. What exactly is the difference between the 2?

Someone else suggested it may have sheered the key... Any thoughts on that?

all the cdi's from 88-02 are the same, in 03+ they have the tors brain built in them. also there is a possibility the cdi could be doing this since it basicly in a way controls the revs. you might also want to check that all grounds are making good contact. and about the key im not sure, wouldnt hurt to check.
Ok heres the latest on this... we tested the coil (good) and tried another, checked stator (good), check the key (not broken), tried another CDI (good), check for air leakage (none), checked carb again and again, check air filter (grasping at straws), Check plug boot (good), And I cant remember what else but its exactly the same.

Keep the ideas coming please ! Gotta get one of my riding buds back on the trail !
yeah we put one of our carbs on, but It wouldnt start at all... But it was getting late, and we didnt feel like screwing with it anymore haha
yeah when we put his carb back on it starts fine and idles great... Just when you give it gas it bogs, and wants to die...

He already put new Boyeson reeds on it.
That thought did come up too... Maybe he got some garbage in the tank... But we didn't get in there yet.. I think we may have to remove all his plastics and check for wiring issues too..