I have a 2003 yamaha blaster and it dosent want to run right. Im not sure if it is just the cold weather or something wrong with it. Every time is start it when its cold, it starts to sputter out at higher RPMs but im pretty sure its warmed up after a little while and it continues to do it. it start running realy crappy at first when I ran out of gas in my on position so i switched it to reserve and it just ran realy crappy. I had a really crappy cable that puts oil into the carb so I cut the tip off and put it on the carb because it was all torn up before. I drained all the gas in it and filled it back up with a little bit. After about ten miuates it started working again but then it started to do it again after a few minites. I have no idea what to do. If you think you know what might be wrong with it please respond.