Help with first my first quad woodruff and fly wheel


New Member
Oct 10, 2012
I just picked up my first quad yesterday and am in needs of a little help with a few problems I'm having. First the woodruff key is broken and two broke while I was at the guy’s house I bought it from. He said he picked them up at a hardware store but they didn’t have the right size so while I was standing there he filed two of them down and installed them, they both broke instantly when he kick started it. the fly wheel looked a little scratched up to me I attached a picture below. My question is do I need a new flywheel. I know I need a new key but will I need a new flywheel too. Also when I'm installing the flywheel how do I torque it down because the shaft just spins as I turn the bolt? What are the torque specs? I had a question about the handle bars to there a little left to right and the alignment is off, how do I adjust this? i cant get my phone to upload right now pictures will be tonight.
I just picked up my first quad yesterday and am in needs of a little help with a few problems I'm having. First the woodruff key is broken and two broke while I was at the guy’s house I bought it from. He said he picked them up at a hardware store but they didn’t have the right size so while I was standing there he filed two of them down and installed them, they both broke instantly when he kick started it. the fly wheel looked a little scratched up to me I attached a picture below. My question is do I need a new flywheel. I know I need a new key but will I need a new flywheel too. Also when I'm installing the flywheel how do I torque it down because the shaft just spins as I turn the bolt? What are the torque specs? I had a question about the handle bars to there a little left to right and the alignment is off, how do I adjust this? i cant get my phone to upload right now pictures will be tonight.

The woodruff key, get the correct key number one, has them in stock, then get some lapping compound and lap the flywheel to the crank, clean all off, install new key, check out this vid part five for flywheel install.
Lapping the flywheel consists of putting some fine valve grinding paste on the taper of the crankshaft, placing the flywheel on, ( without the key), and revolving the flywheel back and forth.

When the flywheel turns more freely as the paste gets broken up, take off the flywheel, wipe out the used paste and inspect.

The grooves should now be flattened out.

If there are still grooves, repeat the operation until good mating surfaces are made.

Be sure to wash off all, and I mean all of the grinding paste.

I like to finalise by using a Duco cutting compound No 3 for the final lap.

Tension the nut to 53 ft lbs, do not use Loctite, it is not the nut that holds it on, it is the pressure applied to the tapers.

Make sure that you have the washer under the nut.
ok i used the lapping stuff and now i just need to order and new woodruff key. my other question is how do i align the front end its a little off and the handlt bars have a little play in them. thanks
The keys were probably brakeing because it was not torqued right at the begining. To Keep the crank still Turn it over till the piston is coming up Then fish a Clean rope down through the spark plug hole. Insert as much as you can till it holds the piston then you can torque the crank bolt.

Loosin the bar claps align the bars and tighten the bolts makeing sure there all relitively even. If its the steering stem then theres little seals in the clamp that could be beat.
Well I figured out my real problem the crank is stripped all the waY at the base where the bolt wwould sit so I can't tighten it enough. Could I just put a second washer on to back the bolt of the bad pArt of the treads as a temporary fix ? Or is there an easy way to fix this ?
Well it looks like I'm going to order a new nut washer and a couple keys and we will see what happens
If the mating tapers are clean and you can get enough thread to fill the nut and torque it up to 53 ft lb all should be well.
Yup with an extra washer, its been a while since I have seen my flywheel so I cant remember how much extra thread there is.

If you can get a nutfull of thread with the extra washer and it pulls down to 53 ft lbs, I say give it a try.
Just a quick question on a flywheel puller tool.. What is the inner diameter of the flywheel where the puller turns into? I want to buy a puller but they have so many sizes available.
What mm size turns in there?