Looking to get a decent cam thats HD and Vista friendly...ive seen a bunch of cam use on here so0o0o tell me ur opinions..and my price range is $100-160
ill have some up next week once i get it..lol i looked at the HD and no-HD on youtube,couldnt tell much of a diffrence...ill just upload them to youtube in HD quality and that will fix it..lol
Go pro's web site has a bunch of comparision vids between the HD and the non HD. I wouldn't judge the quality from youtube vids as I imagine most people downgrade the vid quality before upload. HD vid=huge file size. I'm gonna order the HD next week.
could buy a hd go pro for under £200 from the us but reading the small print it seems there will be some custom taxes or some sh*t like that,hopefully i can order this by the weekend though