Headlight keeps blowing !


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Im trying to get my girlfriends Blaster ready for a dune trip.

The headlight keeps popping the bulb... just put a new one in and POP.

It only turns on on the bright setting, then in a few seconds POP !

Also the tail light wont work either....

Any idea's ?
Its the voltage regulator most likely.

If you have a multimeter you could check the voltage going to the headlight wires and see what it says. It should stay around 12 volts at the most, if the regulator is bad it will be going up much higher than 12 volts.
sounds like s short some where check with a meter and also look for breaks in the wire right by the front headlight that were i found two broken wires on mine at the coating was still on the wires but were broke on the inside.