Could'nt stand looking at that Butt-Ugly headlight anymore. I'd rather tape a Mag Lite to my helmet than have to look at that K-Mart fog light lookin' thing on my quad!
looks good. i think im going to remove my front fenders and both lights on my blaster so when i leave my key on it doesnt kill my battery cause im tired of having to kick it to start it all the time...
looks 10x better like that bdad, i aways hated the stock crappy headlight....but the one good thing about that headlight is it is mounted to the bars so when the wheel turns the light turns.....i never wanted to mount lights anywhere other than the bars, it sucks when u turn in the dark and the lights point stay straight.....kinda gives ya blindspot lol
i couldnt agree more, thats why i kept mine mounted to the bars when i chabged them. and bagds10...WTF you talking about foo??? lol
yeah , I had dreamed up a idea for a electric start that bolted into place and was geared to the oil injection drive , but thats all it is , is a dream .
not to threadjack , but I think it would work , If I had a spare engine to play around with I'd fab it up .
calm down guys... i was trying to make a joke. i guess i should keep my stupid jokes to myself... but i am not a poser. i have a 2000 blaster and this is my 2nd one. i know they dont have batteries. they are kick start and the lights run off a stator and flywheel.... i was just trying to get a laugh outta someone besides myself. sorry didnt mean to piss anyone off