Head Milling and what it does to you...

gallon per gallon yes it has less power output - but when you can burn it 2 times as fast as gas well you see why it makes sense.
Also it burns alot cooler and cleaner.
If you ever dip your hand real quick and pull it out of a bucket of meth it will cool your hand. After some hard running my carb will be sweating and feel cool to the touch from running meth.
It has a higher octane rating then even race gas so you can run higher compression.
Also with an Air Cooled Engine (I.E. Blaster) it keeps the engine temperature a lot lower when making HP.
- Eats more of it
- You have to flush it out of the crankcase with another fuel when you are all done for the day because it eats seals and corrodes aluminum.
- You have to dramatically change the jetting
Just out of curiosity... Anyone here running Ethanol? Always wondered how that would work given its lower specific energy value. How would you go about premixing with it?
Meh. I suppose 32:1 is 32:1 any way you look at it.

Gasoline, Ethanol, and Methanol all have different Stoichiometic Ratios- meaning you have to re-jet the carb. Gas is about 12.5/1, Ethanol about 9/1, and Methanol about 6/1 (very rough approx.)
wow thats a lot more than i thought it would be so it should be fairly faster sence ill have the power to play with the gear ratio and has anybody done a 15 tooth in front with good results?
I am running 14/40 gearing with 22 inch tires and i am running about 75mph..With 15/38 gearing and 22 inch tires you probly would be running about 90-95mph depending on how many rpms ur motor can turn.And yes you will loose alot of lowend running that setup.You should run 14/40.Its a good gear combination and there isnt any noticable loss in power in lowend but the extra highend is very noticable.
i dont reccomend miling, or shaving your head what so ever. Im new to my blaster but still, put all the performance sh*t you can find on it. and if that doesnt do, get a banshee.
braapbrapp95....what are your reasons for not recomending head milling???? just out of curiosity i would like to hear your reasoning on this one ! when building a performance engine , increasing compression is almost essential . also to ppl that are considering head milling remember that how far you go with it will determin what type of fuel you'll be able to run...remember at the rate were going gas will be about 10 thousand bucks a gallon before long and cam 2 is aweful expensive ! if ya get your work done at a place that knows what there doing they will let ya know how much is too much to take off,( piston knock etc...) i had .020 taken off at first and then had some more engine work done and decided to go another 15 thousands to .035 now .and the only regrets i have now is that i have to run cam2 and around my house the stuff is highly expensive.
Im dont know if im too old school , last I new if you MILLED the head on any 2 stroke you had to re-cut the squish angle.
When you mill the head you have change the squish angle in the head when you do 1 you need to to the other, been that way on my LT500 TRX250R LT80 , CR80