great times with the blaster


Riding on concrete parking lot,i completly stop[ped,then popped the clutch for a fast high wheelie,went straight back and cracked my helmet on the ground

I was doing a wheelie and it went back to far,i tried to bail,but as i slid off the back my shoe got caught on the heal gaurd plastic,drug me on my tailbone about 20 feet

Riding through the bottoms (woods) with my uncle came to a 2 or 3' fallen tree on the trail,i went up to it slowly,popped the clutch and pinned it to ramp it,well i did ramp it,straight up and back down on my back with the blaster right with me,slammed me into the ground and landed the blaster on my waist in 95 degree temp

Then day before yesterday,my uncle just rebuilt his warrior,so we packed up,put on our gear and left for a ride,well a block over from my house before we get into the woods,theres a fence we ride beside,well at the end its open,i turned right through the opening and pinned it,well my bottom left a-arm balljoint popped out completly,bottom a-arm dug into the ground and i endo'd and spun a 180 landing with my front end broke!
idk i just didnt fell like messin wit all tht but i havnt been able to ride for a while cause my carb screwed up i bought a new its o n the then gotta put it on tune it and stuff then it will be time to ride
uni....all those stories have one thing in common..."pinned it" lol. that's how i always tear sh*t up too bro! lol
Yep it completly popped out,no locktite or cotter pin will hold that,stephen i see your always talking smart but dont come in this thread trying to make me feel dumb.