Good Deals!!

Hey Shawn, is that the cylinder you got intoxicated with and took pic of it in your crotch with your truck nutz hanging out and posted the pic all over FB? lol If so, some of us want to know if you gave that cylinder a custom HPM peckerwood port polish job? :D;)
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Yeah cause a ct cylinder has an intake bridge. lol Not that I expect you to figure that out. Theres a lot better piston design for that cylinder. #speakingthetruth

Yes i got this on a barn find and the guy had a vitos piston in it, yes these cylinders were designed to use the l.a.p.c. bridgeless piston... I asked ken if it would be ok anyway and he said yes it will work but not as well. It also came of a RUNNING RACED BLASTER. Get off the HATERAID and worry about something else
If your selling that CT240 cylinder with a vitos piston then you need to advertise it! knowing this and NOT advertising it is a little bit of a dirty move!!!!
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Yes i got this on a barn find and the guy had a vitos piston in it, yes these cylinders were designed to use the l.a.p.c. bridgeless piston... I asked ken if it would be ok anyway and he said yes it will work but not as well. It also came of a RUNNING RACED BLASTER. Get off the HATERAID and worry about something else
Funny how you just wanted to play it off as its just a 72.5 piston for a 72.5 bore. lol So any 72.5 piston will be the same in your eyes. You know what you did. I called your bluff on it and now I have hateraid or hatred is the correct spelling. I will always protect the forum or any blaster owner from making a wrong purchase decision and buying something as not advertised. Wait till I get my hands on one of your stator covers. Ill be matching them up to the few brands I have to see what ones you copied. Although I know that answer already. I can't believe I have no Holy Poor Mans parts on any of my blasters. What have i been missing. Tag your it!!
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Not mine but if you're in mid Michigan, heck of a deal