going to start a build

Gave some of my small parts to a guy here at work to get powder coated. The frame will be next. I will also be cutting my lonestar stem down to fit the frame tomorrow. Forging ahead.
sweet im painting mine[budget]unless I do a swap very possible with the powder coater.i am going to get that shee and rappy then I can sell my 03 blasty[for build money]
I am debating on just painting mine as well. But it has to wait till spring so I can blast it outside.
I don't have but a small garage to paint anything a pressure pot blaster to do big projects. I also just picked up an armadillo 2 bar front bumper last night. I like the looks and sets off my build.:)
Can't wait to see that shee. Now I need plastics, rear bumper, seat cover, brake lines, suspension, front shocks and an airfilter
Ground my new/old stem down to the correct size. I measured the new step against the old one. It is 5.5 inches longer than a stock blaster stem. Pretty happy about that.
Well, I used calipers on my stock stem to match my new stem after grinding. I thought it was spot on but nope. I need to do some more work. Here it is sitting a little high but should give a visual.

I was going to use another cr high bend like on my dirtbike but I will be using a low bend bar instead.
Freezing water inside my pipe did very little to the dents. I will be getting a plug for the small end and heat them out. Just was trying ice first. Never tried it before and heard it works but not in my case.
ive seen it work on metal fuel tanks

I was hoping it would push on my huge dent and move it some. I know I will need heat and pressure but the ice didn't budge it. It will take some time I'm thinking.
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