gettin screwed by 'the man'


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
wel lthe wife and i have anice 3 bedroom duplex... well one side.... garage blah blah blah.. well we have to pay all our utilitys nothing is included..

we have been sending out payments on out utilitys, and going nuts because it keeps gettin higher and higher,
turns out alliant only shows 2 payments made since we moved here in october... soooo we have the check info that shows alliant got money from us, and also have the credit card payment statements that show alliant go money from us.. but yet we still owe 800 bucks!!.. 2 payments made in 6-7 months of living here cmon now!1
do they think were stupid or what??

soo the adults only please reply to this thread.. as i need input from people 'in the know' meaing home owners or adults that rent house, apt and so on... what would you do in this situation???

fax them proof showing the payments or what??
i would definately send them copys of the checks an credit statements showing the payment to them sprint tried to get me like that a few years ago they figured since i always paid my bill in cash that i wouldnt keep the reciepts an said i didnt pay for almost a year they cleared my debt an gave me 3 months service for the mix up
yeah they wont give me phone now they wouldnt shut my phone off an kept trying to charge me for it so i stoped paying them they left it on for like 6 months so i kept useing it lol
I believe I would go to their office and talk to them.

haha im not about to drive to iowa? i think thats where there home office is lol

yeah, my wife and here mom are gonna call them tonight with all the payment records in hand and see what they can figure out... ima hire jonny cockran!!

and sprint did the same thing to me to, i was with them for 5 years ALLWAYS paid cash, than all the sudden my bills started being like 300-400 a month when my plan was 98 a month, they said 'oh you went over minutes' ok so it happens.. but 5 months in a row??? so than i hardly used it and it was stil 300 so i knew something was up, when to the sprint store talked to them no help, so talekd to customer service and there like oh we can set up a payment plan.. to fk if you will so i told them i wanted to cancel my service and they told me since i renewed my contract in blah blah month it will be the current ballance and 100 for cancel.. i said i not payin it, she said well we cant cancel unless you pay this i said fine, hung up, took my memory card out of my phone, took the battery out i bought, set it on the counter and said
well.. you know where to shove this phone, enjoy! walked out and went across the street to alltel.. much happyer now
id definitely get an itemized list from your bank of the checks that were made out to them and for what totals.

just curious but dont they think its funny to keep someone's electric on for 6 months with only 2 payments? seems a little far fetched.

also if they were paid by check you should have gotten the returned checks in the mail by now. either way your bank has the info.

If nothing else you just got to love the con aspect to these companies. Everything done by computer and nobody knows who paid what? It wasnt paid so they left it on for 6 months-ish?

something funny somewhere 4cfed
I HAD THE SAME kind of issue with US bank

on this they held my payroll check for over 3 weeks until i used the account then charged me overdraft fee and stuff that was accuing daily

then called me when my money in the bank ran out.

after thre days on the phone with different people i had to go to the home office in denver and almost yell at the manager until he would even open the file showing the receipt of the deposited check and when they accepted it..

then it was their mistake and i got my 1600.00 back from them....

i tried to turn them in but the feds didn't give a sh*t since it was so small an amount to them...

they always try to see if they can get more from all of us and when they get called out it's "oops our bad" and nothing happens how much does sh*t like this go on and they get free money,
id definitely get an itemized list from your bank of the checks that were made out to them and for what totals.

just curious but dont they think its funny to keep someone's electric on for 6 months with only 2 payments? seems a little far fetched.

also if they were paid by check you should have gotten the returned checks in the mail by now. either way your bank has the info.

If nothing else you just got to love the con aspect to these companies. Everything done by computer and nobody knows who paid what? It wasnt paid so they left it on for 6 months-ish?

something funny somewhere 4cfed

dont know about other states but in WI the power companys are not allowed to shut service off in the winter if the resident has a child, i beleve they also wont shut you off in winter even if you dont, somehting like november to april....
yeah, we got the info on al the stuff, it just pisses me off that i have to call someone at 11 at night o find out why my sh*t is stil jacked up, out heat is never over 68, 64 durning the day, dont leave lights on, no washer and dryer, no dish washer, and only watch tv at night, comp monitor and surround sound are shut off then not on, plus our house has a brand new water heater and brand new furnace that were installed in june after the flood
they always try to see if they can get more from all of us and when they get called out it's "oops our bad" and nothing happens how much does sh*t like this go on and they get free money,

everyday my blaster brother. everyday. they do it daily and get away with it.
ima hire jonny cockran!!
Your gonna hire a dead guy? Well whatever worksI:I

Personally I have had similar problems with medical and utility bills. The best thing to do is to get your credit card statements and a statement from the bank showing where the checks have cleared and fax them copies. And one more tip I find useful when dealing with particularly difficult people and/or companies over the phone. Just ask the to speak to there boss and when you get that guy ask to speak to his boss. By this point they usually get the point that your not just going to let it go. Whatever you do dont be a jackass!(I'm not saying you are/or would be) Manners will get you a lot further than screaming at the person on the other end of the phone. Unless of course his name is Achmed (A.K.A. Bob) or Habieb (A.K.A. Dave) then your screwed go ahead and scream all you want he cant understand a word you say anyway.:">
dude let me tell you, i had the same issue, i had my motorcycle financed through ge money, i bought for 9400, well i was paying a 500-a month on it while in italy, i was making f*ck ton a money over there, i miss it! anyways, well i tell my wife to check and see if it is almost paid off,well i came back to the states, i owed 9600 dollars on it, this spun me into a world of pissed off no one has ever seen!! i called, got customer service, oh i forgot to tell you under the sailors civil relief act while active duty i am entitled to 5.9% locked rate, because i bought it before i joined, well they told me they would fix it, 2 months later no fix, a year later no fix, granted i called them every month when i got my statement, well i went to the A/G in washington, so we are at 2 yrs now, filed a business complaint, and within 2 months, they knocked like 4 g's off of what i owed. the moral is i saved all my bills, all my proof of payments, all the phone calls i made, and i faxed it all the attorney general, after trying to fix the problem with them, because when it comes to money and a company they will taketh but never want to giveth back when they screw up, i found out i was paying 29% interest, i almost sh*t an island bigger than the bahamas!! be nice to them at first, but if they keep dicking you, then be an ahole, it works!!
As I work in the medical field and have experienced similar situations, 2smoker said it correctly. Keep documentation of all your records even phone calls with name and date it is amazing how just writing that down holds up in a court. The best thing to do and it is a pain and kinda makes you feel like a bia-bia but it WORKS. Call your local state rep congress man senator what ever and just report fraud business activites. Man I know it sounds bogus but believe me it WORKS done it seen it done and damn it is amazing how fast it works. Really, I have seen issues LITERALLY resolved in a day.