garage heat


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
trying to figure out how much power im gonna need for my garage, i rent so a mounted heater is not a option, and space is kinda limited, 1 car garage with a dirt bike and 2 3 wheelers, with out messuring id guess my garage is just big enough to fit my 99 crown vic in comfortably..

i dont need 80 degrees, id be happy with 45-55 degrees, just need it warm enough to work in a sweatshirt, ( im comfortable in a sweatshirt tell about 35 degrees) the garage is partly? insulated in the upper part, since hald the garage is under my bedroom. i was planning on stabling plastic to the rafters to help keep some heat in,

would a1500 btu space heater be enough for my needs???
i know there are plenty of heaters that can throw some heat, i just need it not below freesing in my garage

well if you only want it to get up to like 50 degrees in the garage then just get a salamander and once it hits 50 turn it down and it will go for a long time untill you have to add more diesel
Yea fed I use to use one of those dual burners an it worked great. No smell or anything an it kept it around 55 in my gaurage which sounds about the same size
i use a buddy heater its a propane unit i bought it at tractor supply..its adjustable from 30,000 to 55,000 would work great for ya...i think it was around $150.00...not bad for how much time i spend out there..and the tanks last a long time..its similiar to the bigger turbo/torpedo heaters that run off of just as good..
i would say to get one like tj posted a link to. i use one in the deer blind when its real cold an it stays warm enough you dont need a coat
Wall Mount Heater
GN30A - Natural Gas Reddy Heater or LP
Manual Control Operation
Save on heating costs. The 99% heating efficient designs require no outside venting, so all the heat stays in the room.
The GN30A Provides easy, economical installation, with no vent or chimney required, and a built in pressure regulator, this heaters installation is an easy job*. (*Professional installation recommended)
Safe and clean burning, Reddy Heaters ventfree garage heaters are design certified by the American Gas Association and meet or exceed all government safety performance standards.
A dual purpose safety pilot system protects against oxygen depletion and any interruption in the fuel supply. If either occurs, the gas is shut off to the burner, turning the heater off.
Provides heat during power outages. No electricity required, making them ideal as back up emergency heat.
Clean, quiet, odorless operation
Reddy Heaters GN30A has easy to use top mounted controls
push button ignition. No matches required.
Sheet metal panel & safety grill (this unit does not have glass)
Low heat 15,000 BTU's
High heat 30,000 BTU's

GN30A Heater Dimensions 24.5" H x 25.5" W x 8" D

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I'll vouch for those propane units.
My buddy has a twin burner (don't know the brand) that runs off an everyday grill bottle.
He uses it to heat his 2 car garage thats connected to his house during parties.
Works great!
My garage is not connected to the house so I don't care too much about the fumes.
I run a 85k torpedo heater with a thermostat.
Heats up the place toasty!
At any rate don't get one of those quartz electric heaters they suck in an open area.
Basically they heat whatever is exactly right in front of them (I tried using one in my garage).
You will not find a better heating unit for the money then the one I posted up. It only cost $99 and can go upto 80k btu. It also dosn't shoot out any kind of flame and where I use to work (a double wide tralior plant) it was the only type of heater OSHA would let us use inside the houses so that told me it was the safest portable heat there was.