fuuny thing my son did


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
anyone that has kids knows that now and then they do something you have to share with people.. well my son just did that..

i was lookin on craigslist and found the add for a kx500 for cheap that i have been eying up... anyways he tells me to get the dirt bike. so i told him i cant dude i dont have any money, i go you gonna give me money to buy it?? he goes 'sure!'

he flys up off the couch and grabs momma purse off the counter, takes the wallet out, opens it up and starts filing threw it, finnaly pulls out one dollar and says here ya go daddy lets go buy new bike. i go aiden.. is this enough to buy it? he goes yup daddy!

he goes to put him boots and and yells daddy me come with you to get new bike!

it was so funny i almost pissed my self laughing!

btw he wil be 3 on january 10th
aric thats awsome my roomate (chris) has a 3 year old boy an i love babysitting him all the time.. its so much fun.. but i love how he went to the purse. lmfao... thats great... o an chris's son always asks me if we can take out my freewheeler he calls it.. lol
nice aric... he so cute when hes riding the wheelie... an then seeing him kick start it is awsome.. must be pickin up things he sees you do???? lol
ohh yeah... he knows how to start my 200x... well any machine.. he will walk around, turn the fuel on, flip the kicker out, get on the seat and flip the kill switch, than try kickin the kicker

if its pull start he will do everything than try to pull start
nice man... thats good tho start them young an teach them the ropes of everything like safety an turnin the fuel off/on is a good idea for him to get use to.