Free stuff

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Sorry bro i wasnt bein an "ass" ... thats why i said just playin.. sh*t if i had somethin i didnt need i would help someone out... Life aint always about the almighty dollar.
I have a stock oil tank and bracket. Plus 2 front shocks (red).
you pay shipping and they are yours.....
i gave away a shee axle...i was in need of a peg a few months ago and didnt have any cash...a hommie shipped it to me free...few months later he was lookin for a shee axle and i gave it to him..thats how it werks...
anybody got any kids riding gear such as jersey, pants or ridin boots let me know. i'll even pay some for these items.
OK guys i know this sounds needy and i know this is not a i want section and i really didn't want to do this but i am in need of a grab bar that i can put a number plate on, i will pay shipping because i am in need of one badly and i dont have a job to make money and i dont have my liscense yetI:I
Some of you are way out of line with this. I highly doubt, highly doubt someone will just simply give away a banshee axle, 400ex rear shock or banshee shocks.
heres some stuff i need if anyone wants to throw at me or dirt cheap for my ladys blaster, steering stem, stock exhaust, motor mount and swing arm bolts, left front hub, tie rods, gas tank, foot pegs, axle carrier. pm me.
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