Free Horse Manure!

manure turned twice yearly for 2 years, and left to sit is concidered "black gold" it is more valuable than money to a gardener. and that is "no sh*t" I use it in my garden. 7 butternut squash stems yielded over 50 squash last year, tomato plants started fruiting in may and didn't stop until well into october..carrots...beans...peas...
manure turned twice yearly for 2 years, and left to sit is concidered "black gold" it is more valuable than money to a gardener. and that is "no sh*t" I use it in my garden. 7 butternut squash stems yielded over 50 squash last year, tomato plants started fruiting in may and didn't stop until well into october..carrots...beans...peas...

I guess I'll go pick some up and send it to you!
manure turned twice yearly for 2 years, and left to sit is concidered "black gold" it is more valuable than money to a gardener. and that is "no sh*t" I use it in my garden. 7 butternut squash stems yielded over 50 squash last year, tomato plants started fruiting in may and didn't stop until well into october..carrots...beans...peas...

i'll second that !
pun intended......this sh*t works I:I

i took a dump load of it once, as where i lived at the time was pure bank shale, i couldn't even have a garden the first year
i layed heavy plastic sheeting down, bordered the edges with landscape timbers, and spread the rotted manure about 6 inches thick,
because i was on a slope with the plastic liner underneath, i watered it heavily everyday.
holy shizzle did it produce
as i recall i had like 70 zuccini's from only 2 plants, and chili peppers, radishes, green peppers, mater's, broccolli, beans.... out the ying yang !
lol my point is simply he listed it to get rid of because if your a gardener or small farmer, it is the ultimate fertilizer. If you took a single bean plant in a dixie cup and filled it with aged manure, not only would it hit maturity 3x's faster, but will be taller, thicker stemmed, and produce significantly more fruit per plant.
here,a metaphor that applies better:

if you add methane to your tends to go faster. But add natural methane to your garden, and it will grow faster.