dude that sucks but i bet you don't get that f**ked up on a school night again...hopefully ever, drowning in your own vomit would be a hell of a way to die
Ask Jimmy Hendrix and Bob Marley about drown in your own vomit
dude that sucks but i bet you don't get that f**ked up on a school night again...hopefully ever, drowning in your own vomit would be a hell of a way to die
you guys are taking it like immature kids one this is the off topic section where you can talk and also its just a story guys
ohhh yet another i'm a cool kid because i got pi$$ed, yh your 16 and had some beers wow and on a school night. Yes its not a big deal, i'm not sure what the legal drinking age is in the usa but in the UK you can drink at 16 or younger with parents permision. Doing on a school night isn't a bright idea unless it was your birthday then thats fine lol. But you were sick big deal we have all been sick because of drink before and its not something to brag about mate.
But i think some of you need to relax, saying he is stupid and kids shouldn't brink. I'm sorry but i bet you all did at his age, and he isn't such a kid at 16 so why have ago at him for drinking? I guess its because i'm from the uk and well we seem to have a more relaxed view when it comes to drink. Anyway now i have stopped sounding like an old fart (i'm only 17) mate i'm sorry you got drunk and had to go to school but it's hardly a "FML" I'm not trying to start a fight, just expressing my view so if anyone wants to drop me a pm lmao