float troubles


New Member
Mar 13, 2011
southern oklahoma
i adjusted my floats to 20mm on a 30mm oko carb. Im not sure if thats right cause nothing happens still. is there such thing as too much gas without it coming out of the overflow tube. If not then i need some help where else to start checking. But i can put gas in the bowl and start it and ride til the uses up the gas in the bowl. then dies
recheck the float height, completely disassemble it and clean everything good with carb cleaner and blow compressor air thru every passage and jet.
check the rubber tip of the float needle for tears/rips/worn.
while out for cleaning, submerge the floats in water and look for bubbles, possibly ones cracked taking in fuel making it heavy and out of adjustment ??

all just thoughts to look into and confirm
i adjusted my floats to 20mm on a 30mm oko carb. Im not sure if thats right cause nothing happens still.

I am pretty sure it is not right, because... IT'S NOT RUNNING! :)
So what are you going to do?

is there such thing as too much gas without it coming out of the overflow tube. If not then i need some help where else to start checking. But i can put gas in the bowl and start it and ride til the uses up the gas in the bowl. then dies

What is that telling you?
It is not getting any gas, not that it has too much.

So how can you figure this out?
How about using a piece of fuel line to the inlet and blowing in it to find out how the float inlet valve works and use it as a guide to set the float approximately level?