first blaster need some info


New Member
May 30, 2011
i have a red and whiter 200 blaster 1991 i was told and i need to know what kind of oil to mix with and what is the mixture
and what is the oil thing near the rear tail light and what is it for
last one wha kind of oil to do an oil change :-/
Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you. =] If the tank is still near the tail light you are running stock oil injection. Many people replace this because it has been known to be a hassle. But for now I would fill it with some "Injector Safe" two stroke mixing oil of good quality. Some good brands are Bel Ray, Castor, and Amsoil. The injector mixs the oil and gas for you. For an oil change you want to run some ATV oil, NOT CAR OIL. Automotive oils will roast your clutch fast. So you want to get some Bel Ray Gear Saver or a similar oil. For Summer you should run 10W-30 and in Winter run 10W-30. Just remember the better quality of oils and gas you use, the less repair in the future.
There is a difference in injector 2 stroke oil and 2 stroke mix oil , don't run anything but injector safe oil in the injection system . As soon as you can get rid of the oil injection and mix your fuel yourself , I recomend maxima super m synthetic , at a ratio of 32:1 .
For tranny oil I use Honda Hp1 , it's high performance trans fluid that's designed for dirtbikes . Welcome to the forum .
This is the best info you can and it ALL FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK serious face on now for the tngine/transmission oil put about 800ml in after you drain it from the screw/drain plug while the filler cap is off and the brand of oil you want to buy is called Amzoil 10W-40 High Performance Motorcycle oil it's at Andersons and about any motorcycle shop sells it for like $11 tops. If you get rid of the infamously bad oil injector under your butt. Mix it in between 40:1 to 32:1 mixing cups are $4 with Amzoil Dominator. It comes in a black bottle with all red on it only about $10. Anything Amzoil is pretty much premium stuff you can get for pretty cheap untill you start buying by the Gallon. Doughtfull at $45+ a gallon though. Anyway good luck and welcome. to get rid of the oil mixer try Vito's performance they sell block off kits for like $20-25