factory seven video


New Member
Jan 1, 2008
any body have any videos or sounds clips of the f7 exhaust cuz im gunna either order the f7 or the toomey B1 tommrow and i cant decide. the toomey is loud, comes with filter, jets and all that stuff but f7 is alot better looking and is a right bend pipe. any tips?
go with f7,cause b1 is a freat pipe for stock engine with no mod at all b1 is the best ,but as soon as you mod anithing b1 will start to loose power go with a right bend pipe its the best for moded egine and look sick!!!!
yeah i decided to get the factory 7, can i get jets from the site or just go to shop and order them?
yeah im gunna order the exhaust tommrow and im gunna buy jets from that site! thanks a lot guys! ill put pictures up when it gets here
does a 280 jet sound around the right area cuz im like 200 above sea level and i ride all seasons? and you you dont have to go up in pilot jet right?
email pittboss about jet sizes

he told me my jet size almost spot on
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