i like how you can say an exhaust is what is making the quad or bike win a race. i am pretty sure there is a lot more that just exhaust that win a race.
not what i said at all,
i said very few other pipe builders/makers/sellers post their proven race results.
nothing more, nothing less.
although a pipe is an intracate part of building power.
IMO suspension wins mx and gncc races over any other mod.
both the F7 and dynoports are great pipes and will handle any mods thrown at them, even ported/stroked bbk's if you desire.
on that note...... i'm selling my F7, and buying a DG pipe
and maybe sale my sons LRD and get a shearer I:I
If i bought in bare metal could I keep it clean or coudl i spray it with black high temp paint?? Or would ceramic help keep it cool an help peformance
IMO, bare metal without any protection is gonna be a pain to keep from rusting in a trail riding situation, may work for duners in a dry enviroment,
i wouldn't try it on a trail quad.
i have used the flame proof black on a pipe with pretty good results