I'm sure I will
the ones off eBay come brand new and it already comes painted black, its 220 shipped.

I'm sure I willthe ones off eBay come brand new and it already comes painted black, its 220 shipped.
be prepared to fix it when it cracks I:I
why do you have to bash people? this guy is trying to get some help and advice for extending his swing arm and you come on and start trash talking and bashing other people. in my opinion you should either help the guy out or shut the hell up.
I personally would extend it 4 if you ride trails quite a bit also. i think a +6 in trails would be a pain.
It wont... Also does anyone know if I can use the stock shock on the +6 swinger? Or am I gonna have to get a banshee or 400 shock?
they do crack man ask around....i have one sitting in my garage right now that broke in half....i welded it back together and beefed it up.....and i am going to sell it on ebay...if you ride dunes i would imagine you do some pretty big jumps so that makes it worse....do your self a favor and contacted the guy from the swing arm shop and see what he has to say about jumping with his swing arms......whew..my .02
Thats why i have a mig welder.
yep ebay swingarms are trash im the one thaat actually sent yb that swinger that was cracked in half and ybs swinger by far looked better then that ebay garbage and it also was painted up black so that wasent an issue if you want proof of how good ybs swingers are built and look just find my old thread int the vid/pics section called comparison I dont think you would be desapointed and youll deffantly save yourself some money and being pissed off later trust me i know from experiance...lol
why do you have to bash people? this guy is trying to get some help and advice for extending his swing arm and you come on and start trash talking and bashing other people. in my opinion you should either help the guy out or shut the hell up.
I personally would extend it 4 if you ride trails quite a bit also. i think a +6 in trails would be a pain.