Exhaust Problem


New Member
Oct 4, 2011
Red Lion'PA
Hey im new here but i love blasters i have a 98 blaster that im rebuilding the top end i just got the bike when i got it the exhaust was off but i think im missing a piece of it when i got it he said it needed a exhaust gasket im just unsure of how to put the exhaust on properly and i don't want to mess anything up any help on how to properly install it would be helpful.
Well it shouldnt be to hard just order a exhuast gasket or get the paper gasket and make ur own and put it on it just gives it better compression
Do you mean does it go over or under this?
just put the gasket on the bolts on the motor and attacht the exhuast just the way u normally would
Correct me if I am wrong but that is a stock pipe and you don't need that extra flange as it is for an aftermarket pipe. I think all you need is a gasket and bolt it up.