engineering and design independant project


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
central pa
I'm just wondering what i could make for my quad for my engineering and design independant project that wuld make it look cooler.... I get 3 weeks but its only 35 minute class n i can only work on it at school soo yea and i can only weld and dont hav anything to bend metal with soo wat shuld i do?
or u could even mak full skids for ur blaster 2

ohh sh*t i never even thought of that i was thinkin either bumper or grab bar but i dont wanna f*ck with the swingarm and steering stem cuz i never welded bfor n my teachers gonna teach me as i go along i my project soo in case i f*ck up i dont wanna hav to buy a new swingarm lol
very true. lol yea i didnt think about itright awya until i read that u could bend metal too an i was sh*t u could go with full skids. lol
the only reason i dont put a 6 pack rack obn cause i know id break it off. ive gone through 3 grab bars from flippin it back over onto me lol
nice at one place where my sis works he was gonna get drug test so he just cleaned out his locker an then ran home an relized he for got a 1lb brick in his locker that the cops took. dumbass. lmfao
yea lets say nobody knew who the guys was supposably lol so they never caught him lmfao. i would of been so pissed for leaven that much behind