Drag blaster Build/IMO Durby

Nice job Ian.
Nice job to you sir!!! I am not one to post any time slips but have to give KOR credit where it is due. You build these fast ass blaster motors and I tune them and enjoy getting every inch out of them. Although it isn't as fast as the green dragger i'd say it's pretty damn good for stock chassis dragger.Couple crazy ideas and it is amazing what comes out. Thanks again sister Ken for all you do for me.
fwiw. The dates are screwed up at my track most always on the slips. This was ran on 9/6/14 at my fall nationals test n tune on the 972 grey/black dragger (this threads build).

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4.8 !!!!!
we knew they had 4.8 s in them, but always dailing in for a certain ET in bracket racing wasn't showing it.
and thats in dirt, which is proven slower than groomed sand.